Students who have qualified in the JEE (MAIN) exam must also compete and qualify in JEE (ADVANCED) exam in order to get admission into the IITs. Since this All-India Exam is quite competitive and also restrictive to the students in that they can appear a maximum of two times in the consecutive years, it is extremely critical and mandatory to equip yourself by having a strong foundation of all the topics and concepts in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
Test-Prep for JEE (ADVANCED), ‘the one-stop shop’ for evaluation and assessment facilitates undergoing in-depth assessment for each main topic and concept that is relevant to the JEE (ADVANCED) Exam. Students can take up various kinds of assessment – Objective Type, Descriptive Type, OMR type, practice tests, mock tests, and so on. Furthermore, teachers can also set up topic-wise tests, practice tests and mock tests (with or without negative marking) to equip the students to attempt the questions within the stipulated time for the competitive exam. Readymade questions, designed by SMEs (Subject Matter Experts), are already available for all topics related to this exam. Teachers can easily set up questions from the comprehensive database or develop their own question papers with the user-friendly interface.

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All the candidates aspiring to take admission to the undergraduate programs at IITs for the year 2019 will have to appear in the Paper-1 (B. E. /B. Tech.) of JEE (Main)-2019. Based on the performance in Paper-1 (B. E. /B. Tech.) of JEE (Main)-2019, number of top candidates as per the requirement of JEE (Advanced) (including all categories) will be eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced)-2019.
Admissions to IITs will be based only on category-wise All India Rank (AIR) in JEE (Advanced), subject to conditions as defined in JEE (Advanced)–2019 website.
A candidate can attempt JEE (Advanced) a maximum of two times in consecutive years irrespective of whether or not he/she passed the Qualifying Examination. The candidates, who have attempted JEE (Main) /JEE (Advanced) in 2017 or earlier, are NOT ELIGIBLE to appear in JEE (Advanced)–2019.
The candidate who had taken admission in any institute other than IITs in 2018 is eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced)–2019 provided that the candidate satisfies other eligibility criteria.
Syllabus of JEE-Advanced
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
Exam pattern of JEE-Advanced
The paper pattern of JEE-Advanced is very different from JEE-Main. In JEE-Main, there are multiple choice questions answers, whereas in JEE-Advanced exam only 3 type of questions asked which are:
- Numerical answer type
- Multiple-choice questions
- Match the following
Important dates of JEE-Advanced
Item | Day | Date | Time | Session |
Paper-1 | Sunday | 19-May-2019 | 09:00 to 12:00 IST | Session 1 |
Paper-2 | Sunday | 19-May-2019 | 14:00 to 17:00 IST | Session 2 |
JEE-Advanced Exam Pattern
There are two basic papers of JEE-Advanced (Paper 1 and paper 2). Both of them conducted on the same date one in morning session and second in evening. The time duration of both papers was 3 hours. The question, which asked in JEE-Advanced paper, related to the comprehension, analytic and reasoning abilities. This paper had three major subjects:
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
JEE-Advanced Exam Pattern of Paper 1
Total of 16 sixteen question in part making it a over all of 54 question in three parts
SECTION 1 (Maximum Marks: 24)
- This section contains SIX (06) questions.
- Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are) correct option(s).
- For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen. Partial Marks +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen. Partial Marks +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correct options. Partial Marks +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct option. Zero Marks 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered). Negative Marks -2 In all other cases -
For Example
If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with second option being an incorrect option; selecting only all the three correct options will result in +4 marks. Selecting only two of the three correct options (e.g. the first and fourth options), without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +2 marks. Selecting only one of the three correct options (either first or third or fourth option) , without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +1 marks. Selecting any incorrect option(s) (second option in this case), with or without selection of any correct option(s) will result in -2 marks.
SECTION 2 (Maximum Marks: 24)
- This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
- For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to the second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) using the mouse and the on¬screen virtual numeric keypad in the place designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer. Zero Marks 0 In all other cases.
SECTION 3 (Maximum Marks: 12)
- This section contains TWO (02) paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions.
- Each question has FOUR options. ONLY ONE of these four options corresponds to the correct answer.
- For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks +3 If ONLY the correct option is chosen. Zero Marks 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered). Negative Marks -1 In all other cases.
JEE-Advanced Exam Pattern of Paper 2
Paper-2 divided into three parts and each section had three sections:
SECTION 1 (Maximum Marks: 24)
- This section contains SIX (06) questions.
- Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are) correct option(s).
- For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen. Partial Marks +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen. Partial Marks +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correct options. Partial Marks +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct option. Zero Marks 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered). Negative Marks -2 In all other cases -
For Example
If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with second option being an incorrect option; selecting only all the three correct options will result in +4 marks. Selecting only two of the three correct options (e.g. the first and fourth options), without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +2 marks. Selecting only one of the three correct options (either first or third or fourth option) , without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +1 marks. Selecting any incorrect option(s) (second option in this case), with or without selection of any correct option(s) will result in -2 marks.
SECTION 2 (Maximum Marks: 24)
- This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE.
- For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to the second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) using the mouse and the on¬screen virtual numeric keypad in the place designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer. Zero Marks 0 In all other cases.
SECTION 3 (Maximum Marks: 12)
- This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
- Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II .
- FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four options corresponds to a correct matching.
- For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, marks will be awarded according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen. Zero Marks 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered). Negative Marks -1 In all other cases.