Introduction to Visual Arts

Introductory Offer

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Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll define art and discuss the purpose and functions of art. You’ll discuss the concept of the aesthetic. You’ll also discuss creativity and explain the different stages of the creative process. Finally, you’ll examine the role of artists in society and how they express their ideas and emotions through visual art.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll identify and describe the seven elements of art: line, shape, form, value, color, texture, and space. You’ll also examine how to combine and arrange the visual elements to achieve certain effects and express mood in art.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll describe the principles of design. You’ll learn about principles like emphasis, repetition, and movement. You’ll explore principles like contrast, variety, and balance. You’ll also examine the principles of proportion and unity. You’ll learn about the use of emphasis to highlight a design’s theme.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll learn about the evolution of artistic trends during the major periods of African and European art. You’ll explore key developments that influenced five different periods that shaped the arts: Prehistoric, Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque. Specifically, you’ll study the characteristics of some of the artworks. You’ll also learn about the major religious, cultural, political, or scientific influences that helped shape art in each of the five periods.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll explore art forms linked to the cultures of four major religions of the world: Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism. You’ll study how the shared values of each of these religions were expressed through art. Finally, you’ll learn how art forms used by these religions helped sustain the faith of the followers.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll learn about the evolution of Modern and Postmodern art from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. You’ll explore the key cultural and social developments that influenced the early evolution of Modernism, such as Rococo, the Age of Reason, Romanticism, and Impressionism. You’ll learn about the primary characteristics of Modern art. You’ll also study the changes following Modernism in the postwar era. Finally, you’ll learn about the characteristics of Postmodern and Contemporary art forms.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll learn about the history of drawing. You’ll also learn about the stages of the drawing process.
You’ll examine different drawing tools and materials and how to take care of them. In addition, you’ll learn about different drawing techniques that will help you achieve specific results. Finally, you’ll trace the development of cartoons, comics, and graphic novels.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll learn how the art of painting has evolved throughout human history. You’ll study the process of painting and identify various stages in the development of a composition. You’ll also learn about the techniques and tools artists use to create effective paintings. Finally, you’ll learn some important safety tips related to the art of painting.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll learn about the history of printmaking and its purpose and applications. You’ll examine the printmaking process and learn the different types of printmaking techniques. You’ll describe various printmaking tools and materials and discuss how to use them safely.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll learn to identify various types of crafts, and describe their historic development and attributes. Specifically, you’ll learn about four different crafts: ceramics, fiber art, beadwork, and woodworking. You’ll also learn about their history and study the different types of crafting techniques. Finally, you’ll learn about the materials, tools, and safety tips related to each of these crafts.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll learn about the history and evolution of photography and cinematography. You’ll also discuss the basics of lighting and composition in photography. Finally, you’ll learn various techniques in cinematography.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll examine the history and development of graphic design. You’ll learn about different concepts involved in graphic design and illustration, and you’ll discuss the importance of visual unity. Additionally, you’ll learn about different illustration techniques. Finally, you’ll explore the possibilities and requirements for a career in graphic design.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You'll learn about the history and evolution of multimedia design and animation through to current trends in both fields. You'll discuss the elements of multimedia. You'll also learn about the 10 principles of animation.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll learn about the different formats of digital images. You’ll also examine the advantages, disadvantages, and uses of particular formats. Finally, you’ll learn about the different tools available for digital image editing and digital drawing.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this course:
You’ll learn about the historic roles of various art scholars who contributed to the evolution of art evaluation. You’ll study how the role of the art evaluator has gradually grown into a respected profession. You’ll learn to identify the skills of different art professionals. You’ll also study the four stages of art criticism: description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment. Finally, you’ll apply the four stages in a sample case.